This is the first practical book on Model-Based Engineering (MBE). Are you tired of all the boring academic papers and expensive books on Model-Based Engineering that focus on theory? Have you ever spend countless hours to figure out how to really apply AADL or MBE?
This is why this book exists. This is a practical way to learn and apply the core concepts of Model-Based Engineering. In 150 pages, I guide you through the main concepts of AADL and show how to use it to design and analyze a real-time, critical systems (a safe driving car).
150 pages. Efficient. Practical. Affordable.
The book is available on for the Kindle. You can use a Kindle device or use your iOS/Android tablet/phone to read it. Alternatively, this is also possible to read it into your web browser on the Amazon website.
There is also a paperback version of the book, available on Amazon too.
You can look for the official Facebook page and you can find me on Twitter as well.
All the AADL code used for the book is available online, on a GitHub repository. The model is compatible with AADL v2.2 and works with osate2-2.2.1-vupdate03. You can download it on the OSATE website.
You can quote the book as long as you reference it and point to this URL. If you are teaching the technology or more globally Model-Based Engineering techniques, you are more than welcome (and even encouraged) to use and/or reference the book as long as you reference this website.
If you found an issue in the book (very high probability), have an idea for improving it (endless possibilities!), please contact me. I am more than happy to have new ideas coming into this book. Special kudos for bugfixers or great suggestions: your name will appear in the acknowledgment section!
Please contact me directly and describe explicitly what you need. Please also follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn. While consulting and training is not my main activity, it is always exciting to hear about great projects!
My name is Julien Delange and I am a software engineer living in San Francisco. I got my PhD in France, worked at the European Agency, at Carnegie Mellon University and now, at Amazon Web Services. You can learn more about me on my personal website.
I am a user of AADL since 2008 and worked with most of the users and tool developers. I have seen the technology being used in aerospace, avionics, medical and automotive applications and participated to tools like OSATE, Ocarina or more globally, TASTE.
A lot of people are complaining about the lack of up-to-date educational resources available. Considering my background, I thought I would probably be the most appropriate person to write a complete, comprehensive and affordable book and AADL In Practice was born.